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The first 2025 Electoral Forum will take place in Chisinau
Organized by the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT and the Promo-LEX Association, under the aegis of the Civic Coalition for Free and Fair...
ADEPT organized the first edition of the Local Elected Officials School
The 2024 edition of the Local Elected Officials School gathered over 30 local elected officials from 24 regions of the country, participants in a two-...
Workshop with the generic: "Decisional transparency and access to information of public interest in the context of trends for an open government at the local level"
Today, December 8, the ADEPT Association is organizing a workshop in the municipality of Balti with the theme: "Decisional transparency and access to...
Training of the initiative group from UTA Gagauzia on combating disinformation
Asociația ADEPT a organizat o instruire la Comrat prin care a fost abilitat un grup de inițiativă cu scopul de a identifica și contracara dezinformare...
Public discussion on the topic "Decentralization through the lens of human resources"
The Association for Participatory Democracy "ADEPT" in partnership with the My Community Program, organizes on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at 10.00...