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22 results for tag “good governance”

Selection of integrity inspectors

The Legal Resources Center and the ADEPT Association monitored the selection pro...

Top 5 political events of 2020

ADEPT has developed a summary for the top 5 political events of 2020

The anti-COVID-19 immunization process in the Republic of Moldova

ADEPT presents the analytical note on the anti-COVID-19 immunization process in...

ADEPT launches the Monitoring Report (no. 1) on the progress of the decentralization reform

The progress of the reform is monitored by means of sentinel indicators – a tool...

Effective public services at the local level

The project aims to provide citizens and interested parties at the local, nation...

Civil society monitoring of decentralization reform efforts in the Republic of Moldova

The purpose of the project is to support the effort of civil society to monitor...

The progress of the decentralization reform infographic #1

The info graphic presents data on the progress of the decentralization reform th...

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